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Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) joins the Office of the Ombudsman in advocating for a Corrupt-Free Philippines by supporting the Ombudsman’s Integrity Caravan.

First launched in 2013, the Integrity Caravan consists of different initiatives targeting different sectors of society, with the purpose of creating awareness and advocacy on anti-corruption and good governance. This is in line with the Office of the Ombudsman’s mission to promote “integrity, efficiency, and high ethical standards in public service.”

One of the key initiatives under the Integrity Caravan is the Corrupt-Free Philippines Video Contest for the youth. This year, the contest challenges college students to create powerful videos that will promote integrity and honesty in public service.

“We hope to make the youth fully aware of the importance of integrity in fighting corruption, after all, institutional integrity starts with personal integrity. Through the creation of powerful video stories and messages on honesty, integrity, and taking responsibility for one’s actions, we hope to inspire everyone to do the right thing. We laud Jollibee Foods Corporation for sharing our vision and for partnering with us in this project,” explained Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales.

“We are honored to be chosen by the Office of the Ombudsman to be their partner in this important mission. As a company we strive hard to uphold integrity in all aspects of our business and make it the cornerstone of how we engage with our customers, workers, partners, suppliers and government agencies. We share with the Ombudsman the belief that integrity is crucial for progress and in nation-building. We are both convinced that we should start with the youth as they are our future leaders. Coupled with the power of video to create change, we are excited to see it make a difference in our country,” said Dondi Gomez, Jollibee Foods Corporation Global Chief Marketing Officer.

The official launch of the Integrity Development Contest was recently held at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel attended by officials and representatives from the Office of the Ombudsman and Jollibee Foods Corporation.

Contest deadline is on September 30, 2017 and is open to all college students who are currently enrolled in any public or private universities/colleges in the Philippines. For more details on the Corrupt-Free Philippines Video Contest, visit ###