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The Investment Ombudsman (IO) received a certificate of appreciation from the Board of Investments (BOI) during the Annual Investment Promotion Unit Network meeting held on February 4, 2016 on account of the public assistance extended to Steel Asia Manufacturing Corporation (Steel Asia).

In October 2015, Steel Asia filed a request for assistance concerning the unreasonable delay in the release of its Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) application before the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).  The application for the ECC was made in February 2014 and is intended for the construction of its 7th modern steel rolling mill plant in Plaridel, Bulacan.  Despite compliance with all the technical, procedural, documentary and legal requirements and repeated follow-ups, their application remained unacted upon for two years.

Immediately, the Public Assistance Bureau inquired as to the reasons for the delay and cited the timelines provided under Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard for Public Officials and Employees).

On January 4, 2016, the IO invited Steel Asia to participate in the focus group discussion together with local and foreign investors and heads of government offices in charge of granting licenses and permits.  During the forum, Steel Asia echoed its grievance on the failure of the DENR to act on their application.

On January 25, 2016, the Office of the Ombudsman was furnished with a copy of the approved ECC issued in favor of Steel Asia.

The Investment Ombudsman was created under Sections 15 (2) and (3) of R.A. No. 6770 to prioritize and take cognizance of trade investment related concerns of investors through prompt action and speedy resolutions on grievances and complaints.    It is presently headed by Overall Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur Carandang. ###