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The Sandiganbayan convicted former Officer-in-Charge Regional Executive Director Raquil-Ali Lucman of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region XII of violation of Section 3(c) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (Republic Act No. 3019).

Lucman was sentenced to imprisonment of six years and one month with perpetual disqualification from holding public office.

Records show that from 08 September 2009 to 16 October 2009, the accused demanded and received P1.5 million from private complainants Hadji Bualan, Sergio Balolong and Aladin Saydala for the issuance of free patents over public lands located along barangays Olympog and Tambler in General Santos City.

Ombudsman prosecutors presented Bualan as witness who testified “with spontaneity and consistency and in a simple and straightforward manner,” as observed the court.

“Bualan gave a candid testimony before the Court. His testimonial evidence is corroborated by all the documents on record.  Further, the accused could not ascribe ill-motive on the part of Bualan to falsely testify against him; neither could he offer any reasonable explanation by Bualan would be interested in destroying his honor and integrity. Thus, absent any showing that the prosecution witnesses were actuated by any improper motive, their testimony is entitled to full faith and credit,” added the court.

“It must be underscored at this point that accused’s mere demand for money for the grant of the application suffices to warrant his conviction,” the Sandiganbayan Decision stated.

Section 3(c) of R.A. No. 3019 prohibits public officials from directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, present or other pecuniary or material benefit, for himself or for another, from any person for whom the public officer, in any manner or capacity, has secured or obtained, or will secure or obtain, any government permit or license, in consideration for the help given or to be given.  ###