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The Sandiganbayan has convicted former Bakun mayor Bartolome Sacla, Sr. and municipal treasurer Manuel Bagayao of Malversation for issuing a P5million check in 2002 without any supporting documents. Sacla Sr. and Bagayao were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 10 years and one day to 18 years, eight months and one day.  They were also ordered perpetually disqualified from holding public office and for each to pay a fine of P5million.

In his defense, Sacla claimed that the check was issued as payment for medical supplies. However, no proof of delivery was presented.

In its Decision, the Sandiganbayan stated that “at the time of the issuance of the check, two prevalent factors made the transaction highly irregular: one, the check was issued without any supporting documents such as the disbursement voucher; and the other, no Accountant’s Advice was issued, which was a COA requirement.”

“Considering the number of years and experience devoted by accused Sacla to public service from the time he served as the barangay captain to the time he was elected as councilor, until he became the mayor, he would have been more than aware of the fiscal requirements in the release of public funds,” the Decision added.

Malversation of public funds is committed by misappropriating public funds or property; by consenting or through abandonment or negligence, by permitting any other person to take such public funds. ###